Join UNICEF today.
Become a regular donor today and receive a PROMISE ring.

Your contribution is tax deductible.

Giving monthly instead?

Give ฿400 monthly instead?

Sustain your support for children by giving monthly.

บริจาคกับยูนิเซฟ รับแหวน PROMISE
Become a regular donor today and receive a PROMISE ring.

Your contribution is tax deductible.

Giving monthly instead?

Give ฿400 monthly instead?

Sustain your support for children by giving monthly.

บริจาคกับยูนิเซฟ รับแหวน PROMISE
Become a regular donor today and receive a PROMISE ring.

Your contribution is tax deductible.

Giving monthly instead?

Give ฿400 monthly instead?

Sustain your support for children by giving monthly.

- Make a PROMISE today -

And receive a ring as a symbol to protect and support the most vulnerable children around the world.

- Make a PROMISE today -

And receive a ring as a symbol to protect and support the most vulnerable children around the world.

- The PROMISE Ring -


- The PROMISE Ring -


Join UNICEF to help children today and receive the PROMISE ring.
by donating THB 3,000 or signing up to donate monthly.

Your THB 3,000 donation will provide lifesaving supplies to children in need

- including first aid kits, life-saving therapeutic food, water purification tablets, essential basic vaccines, and other lifesaving items.

Make a monthly donation.
No matter how big or small your donation, your act of kindness not only saves lives every month but also helps protect children around the world.
Just THB 15 per day

or THB 450 per month could provide

almost 60 children’s books

for our Mobile Library vans.

Join UNICEF to help children today and receive the PROMISE ring.
by donating THB 3,000 or signing up to donate monthly.

Your THB 3,000 donation will provide lifesaving supplies to children in need - 

including first aid kits, life-saving therapeutic food, water purification tablets, essential basic vaccines, and other lifesaving items.

Make a monthly donation.
No matter how big or small your donation, your act of kindness not only saves lives every month but also helps protect children around the world.
Just THB 15 per day

or THB 450 per month could provide

almost 60 children’s books

 for our Mobile Library vans.

Just THB 20 per day

or THB 600 per month, could provide

48 sachets of life-saving therapeutic food

to severely malnourished children for a whole month.

Just THB 40 per day

or THB 1,200 per month, could provide

21,600 liters of clean drinking water

through 4,800 water purification tablets for children and their families in need.


“This ring symbolises my own promise to stand beside and support every child with my full commitment. I hope to pass on this message and for many others to join us in putting children first - because when millions of people work together, we can truly make a difference in young lives.”

– BamBam Kunpimook


“This ring symbolises my own promise to stand beside and support every child with my full commitment. I hope to pass on this message and for many others to join us in putting children first - because when millions of people work together, we can truly make a difference in young lives.”

– BamBam Kunpimook


“When I was young, I was once given a great opportunity. Today I would like to give back to the community and help children, like the help I once received.”

– Ann Thongprasom


“This PROMISE ring is inspired by the safety pin often worn by pregnant woman – a symbol of protection to children around the world.”

– Mario Maurer


“As I have been supporting children with UNICEF for a while, I can see that there are still many children that still need our support. This ring is my PROMISE to help and protect children around the world.”

– Peck Palitchoke, Friend of UNICEF


“This ring symbolises my own promise to stand beside and support every child with my full commitment. I hope to pass on this message and for many others to join us in putting children first - because when millions of people work together, we can truly make a difference in young lives.”

– BamBam Kunpimook


“When I was young, I was once given a great opportunity. Today I would like to give back to the community and help children, like the help I once received.”

– Ann Thongprasom


“This PROMISE ring is inspired by the safety pin often worn by pregnant woman – a symbol of protection to children around the world.”

– Mario Maurer


“As I have been supporting children with UNICEF for a while, I can see that there are still many children that still need our support. This ring is my PROMISE to help and protect children around the world.”

– Peck Palitchoke, Friend of UNICEF

for a livable planet

Children bear the greatest burden of climate change.

Almost 90% of all children in the world are highly exposed to air pollution that exceeds normal levels and 330 million children are exposed to river flooding. The planet is becoming a more dangerous place for them to live.

มาร่วมปกป้อง และเดินเคียงข้างเด็ก ๆ ไปด้วยกัน

for a livable planet

Children bear the greatest burden of climate change.

Almost 90% of all children in the world are highly exposed to air pollution that exceeds normal levels and 330 million children are exposed to river flooding. The planet is becoming a more dangerous place for them to live.

to children and start donating today.

For every child, a PROMISE

* Your gift will be delivered approx. 3 months after you’ve made the commitment to become a UNICEF monthly supporter.

** Please note that not all product(s) are eligible for returns or exchanges unless the product(s) you purchased is defective or damaged.

For every child, a PROMISE

* Your gift will be delivered approx. 3 months after you’ve made the commitment to become a UNICEF monthly supporter.

** Please note that not all product(s) are eligible for returns or exchanges unless the product(s) you purchased is defective or damaged.